Why Your Brilliant Business Idea Will Fail Without A Selling System

You do all the hard work setting up a business. Maybe you manufacture the product you are going to sell and you create a manufacturing system that will ensure a steady rate of production so that you never end up with too many orders and no products to ship out. Or maybe you need to source your products from somewhere so you create a system that will ensure a steady supply of the product so that you avoid disappointing customers.
Maybe you are terrified of your employees robbing you blind and so you create an accounting system that is water-tight. And…

Wait a minute… you have missed the boat completely here.

Think about it for a minute. What is the point of spending so much time and money creating an accounting system before creating a system to bring in the cash? As important as manufacturing is, why spend so much time and money on it when you haven’t figured out how you will get people to buy the stuff?

This is a very common mistake with too many entrepreneurs. How many of my friends have garages full of products that they couldn’t sell? I am sure you know a few too.

Before you do anything. Before you even set up your business, the first thing you must do is create a selling system. A system is something that works almost on autopilot. Just like a system for producing a product, you feed the raw material into a machine and then you flip a switch.

Ideally a selling system should be able to constantly generate qualified leads and take those leads through a process or assembly line so that at the end of it as many of those prospects as possible are turned into paying customers.

That is why it is really exciting news that every single idea in my book; 101 brilliant business ideas that will thrive in Kenya has a selling system right next to it. Detailed notes that will help you create a selling system that works for the business idea. Millions of brilliant business ideas have gone wrong simply because the business owner could not find a way to sell the product or service. They did not have a selling system.

And yet a selling system is so very important that even a dead business can be brought back to life by simply introducing a selling system.

Do you doubt what I am saying?

Well, you can read this amazing true story about a business that was headed straight to bankruptcy but was turned around in 7 short days. YES!! 7 DAYS!! Not 7 weeks. Read the story for yourself in my amazing FREE SPECIAL REPORT.

A selling system is the most powerful single thing in any business, new or old.

Business ideas Kenya are brilliant ideas that will work anywhere in the world.

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